Otto Addo Stresses Jordan Ayew’s Importance to the Black Stars

Otto Addo Stresses Jordan Ayew's Importance to the Black Stars

Ghana’s head coach, Otto Addo, has highlighted the crucial role Jordan Ayew plays in the Black Stars squad. Addo insists that Ayew is particularly valuable for his ability to hold up play, a skill that is often underappreciated but essential for the team’s success.

Recent Criticism and Match-Winning Performance

Despite facing criticism for his recent performances with the national team, Ayew proved his worth in Ghana’s 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier against Mali last Thursday. The Crystal Palace forward came off the bench to score a late winner, securing a vital 1-2 victory for Ghana away from home. This goal was a significant moment for Ayew and the team, showcasing his ability to make an impact when it matters most.

In addition to his goal, Ayew nearly set up another scoring opportunity with a beautiful pass to Thomas Partey. Unfortunately, the Arsenal midfielder missed the chance, but the play highlighted Ayew’s vision and playmaking abilities.

Importance of a Strong Bench

Looking ahead to Ghana’s next qualifier against the Central African Republic (CAR), Addo emphasized the importance of having a strong bench. He praised Ayew’s ability to hold up the ball and also commended other substitutes like Abdul Mumin, Abdul Fatawu Issahaku, and Elisha Owusu for their contributions.

“For me, it’s very, very important to have different options. Sometimes you need a striker like Jordan (Ayew) who can hold the ball or somebody who goes one-on-one like Kudus, or sometimes you need a more defensive structure for the game,” Addo said, as quoted by

Tactical Flexibility

Addo explained that the team’s strategy depends on the opponent they are facing. He stressed the need for tactical flexibility, choosing players who fit the game plan and can execute the team’s strategy effectively. This approach is based on a combination of the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, the players’ form in training, and their performances for their respective clubs.

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“It depends on who we are playing. For me, it’s very decisive to see the options to score goals and also the best way to defend. This is very, very important for me, and I was happy that the players who came in made an impact,” Addo added.

Ayew’s Hat Trick Against CAR

In the match against the Central African Republic, Ghana secured a thrilling 4-3 victory, with Jordan Ayew scoring a remarkable hat trick. This achievement marked Ayew’s first-ever hat trick for the Black Stars. The 32-year-old forward’s goals were crucial in helping Ghana move to the top of their group in the World Cup qualifiers.

Impact of Ayew’s Performance

Ayew’s hat trick not only secured the win but also showcased his ability to deliver in high-pressure situations. His performance was a testament to his skills and experience, further solidifying his importance to the national team. Crystal Palace, Ayew’s club, acknowledged his impressive performance on their official X page.

Ayew’s Growing Role

This latest achievement further cements Ayew’s status as a vital player for Ghana. Under Coach Otto Addo, the Black Stars have secured their third consecutive win, with Ayew playing a crucial role in their success. His recent form is impressive, having scored seven goals in his last five appearances for the national team. This streak demonstrates his ability to deliver under pressure and his value as one of Ghana’s most experienced and reliable players.

Leading Scorer in the Qualifiers

Jordan Ayew is currently the leading top scorer for Ghana in the qualifiers, with seven goals to his name. His consistent performance not only boosts the team’s morale but also sets a high standard for his teammates. Ayew’s leadership on and off the pitch is evident, as he continues to inspire and drive the team forward.

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Crystal Palace’s Support

Crystal Palace’s recognition of Ayew’s hat trick highlights the strong connection between the club and its players. The support from his club is likely to motivate Ayew further as he continues to represent Ghana on the international stage. Such recognition also emphasizes the importance of club and country relationships in a player’s career.

Ayew’s Journey with the Black Stars

Jordan Ayew’s journey with the Black Stars has been marked by significant milestones and memorable performances. Since making his debut for the national team, Ayew has grown into a key figure, contributing not only with goals but also with his experience and leadership. His ability to rise to the occasion in crucial matches has earned him a special place in the hearts of Ghanaian fans.

Looking Ahead

As the qualifiers progress, Jordan Ayew’s form will be crucial for Ghana’s aspirations to secure a spot in the 2026 World Cup. His experience, combined with his current scoring streak, makes him a player to watch. The Black Stars will rely on his ability to lead the attack and deliver match-winning performances.

Ayew’s recent hat trick is not just a personal achievement but also a testament to the collective effort of the team. The support from his teammates and the tactical acumen of Coach Otto Addo have created an environment where Ayew can thrive. This synergy will be vital as Ghana navigates the remaining matches of the qualifiers.


Jordan Ayew’s hat trick in the 2026 World Cup qualifier against the Central African Republic is a significant achievement that underscores his importance to the Ghanaian national team. Celebrated by his club, Crystal Palace, and cheered by fans, Ayew’s performance is a testament to his skill, determination, and experience. As he continues to lead the Black Stars in their World Cup quest, his contributions will be crucial in shaping the future of Ghanaian football. With his current form and leadership, Ayew is set to leave a lasting legacy in both club and international football.

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